
We have a winner!

Congratulations to the winner of our very first giveaway here at The Mama Log, Carol, from Maryland!!! I know you and your little one will adore your new bib and burp cloth set from Colby Lane Designs. It's so darn cute, I think I may have to order one in this print myself....

And once again, a BIG thank you to Jen...such a wonderful way to kick-off the launch of TML with a giveaway sponsored by Colby Lane Designs!

I'd also like to thank everyone for their support of The Mama Log. I've had such a tremendous response, and it just warms my heart .

So stay tuned...I've got a terrific line-up of mamasigners to be featured in the upcoming weeks. Lots of big plans for TML this year!

And if you haven't subscribed already, make sure and do so (no worries, the list is only for TML...I pinky swear not to give your email to anyone else!!!). With all that's coming up, and the fabulous giveaways being sponsored by these great mamas, you won't want to miss it!

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